What is Sex Therapy?
Sex therapy is a specialized type of psychotherapy that addresses sexual concerns within the bounds of confidentiality. In other words, it is talk therapy that takes place in a therapy office with a clinician and the client(s). Sex therapy can look different depending on the type of concern being addressed. Sex therapy can occur both individually and in the context of couple's therapy.
Much of sex therapy is rooted in cognitive-behavioral interventions; sometimes it may be emotionally-focused or include psycho-education. Homework assignments are sometimes given to the individual or couple to work on in between sessions. These homework assignments are done privately and typically facilitate experiences for clients to gain awareness about themselves that will be helpful in addressing their treatment goals.
Sex therapy is a direct yet compassionate process for clients to share their intimate concerns and work toward improving their sexual health and sexual experiences, creating a more meaningful and satisfying relationship with themselves and/or their partners.
Consider making an appointment with a sex therapist if any of these thoughts are on your mind:
The list of reasons to see a sex therapist can be many. Maybe you don’t have a specific sexual concern, but you are looking for a therapist who isn’t afraid to talk about sexuality. No subject is taboo, you will not be judged when discussing your fantasies, fears, and past experiences as a sexual being.